Simple Ways To Make Your Home Smell Great This Spring
It’s that time of year! The flowers have started blooming to get us thinking about those beautiful fresh flower arrangements, and the weather is bright and pretty. Time to pull out those fresh and floral aromas for your home. Today, I want to share a few different (and easy) ways you can get your home smelling like spring with very little effort.
Some of these you may have already thought about or tried. If you have, I'd love to hear your faves in the comments below. For those you haven't, let me know which you find most interesting.
I love spring for its new blooms and for the mountain air here. I tend to associate spring with light, fruity, flowery and fresh aromas. So I'm going to focus more on these kinds of scents in this post.

Tricks To Make Your Home Smell Like Spring:
Creating All-Natural Scented Sprays:
Give your home a fresh spritz without the use of any such harsh chemicals. You can make both a flowery scented spray and a fruity scented spray as well.
How To Make A DIY Scented Spray:
Here’s what you'll need,
- Citrus fruits, such as lemon, oranges, or limes
- Cucumber peel
- Mint or rosemary leaves, or lavender buds
- A half pint sized mason or other jar
- Alcohol (rubbing or vodka)
- A spray bottle
Follow the following instructions to make your all fruity-scented spray,
- Fill your jar half with water and half with rubbing alcohol or vodka.
- Add your citrus peels, cucumber peels, leaves or flower buds
- Shake well.
- Allow to sit at least 48 hours so that the additions have time to release their oils into the mixture.
Try different combinations, like lemon lavender or cucumber mint.
Note: Before spraying on your perfume, test it on a small unnoticeable portion of your furniture just to make sure that it doesn’t cause any damage to the furniture.
How To Make A Essential Oil Scented Spray:
Here's another method using essential oils and witch hazel. Essential oils can be a bit more expensive than the method above, but both work very well.
- Your favorite essential oils
- Unscented witch hazel
- Spray bottle
- Pour 25 to 35 drops of essential oil in a 4 oz spray bottle.
- Pour witch hazel in the bottle until half of the bottle is filled with contents. The witch hazel helps mixing the oil and water together and creates a stronger long-lasting scent
- Fill the rest of the bottle with water. This mixture ratio will work well despite any size bottle you use.
- Shake the bottle properly so that the ingredients mix well.
Scented Candles:

Scented candles are one of my personal favorite ways to fill my home with a fresh aroma. I've been obsessed with Colonial Candle Twinkling Lavender. Their Pop of Color Collection is not only beautiful, but they've been rocking aroma in my space. Let me tell you there's nothing better than having a beautiful scent AND a beautiful container to uplift your space.
Even better, I'm partnering with Colonial Candle to give one of my Instagram followers a candle of their choice. So don't forget to hop over and enter!
Now, let's talk about how candles can be used.
Placing Unlit Candles In Cupboards And Fabric:
Candle Burning:
Always burn your candle for at least an hour before blowing out the candle flame. Doing this allows the wax to melt properly and provides sufficient time for the candle to release scent into the atmosphere.
When Unlit:
You can place few candles in hidden spaces, but don’t light them. Like try putting it on a top shelf of your cabinets. When you open your cabinet, you will be greeted with an amazing scent.
Melting The Leftover Wax:
Did you know that you can use the leftover wax? Yes!! Since you should only burn your candle to 1/4 of the total amount of wax in the jar (to avoid jar cracks from the heat), place your remaining wax on top of an electric candle burner and let the heat finish the rest of the candle for you. When you no longer smell the aroma, it's time to toss the jar.
(Note: Jars also make amazing storage containers when they're as beautiful as the Colonial Candle containers. I wash them and use them for cotton balls, pens/pencils, silk flowers and so many other things.)

Potpourris have been around since the 1970s. First they used to be in sachets but now they are found in bowls. They are a great way to keep your place smelling great for weeks! I love using lavender and vanilla simmer potpourri. Here’s what you would need in order to make it,
- 2 cups of water
- 1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla fragrance oil
- Dried lavender buds
- Put water in a pan to boil.
- Put ingredients inside the simmer pot.
- Simmer on a low flame or on the low setting of your simmer pot.
This will have your home smelling like spring in spring!
Some people complain that their potpourri loses its scent after a few days. Here are some ways you can make the scent last longer,
Using Vodka To Keep Potpourri Scent Longer: Boiling the potpourri in water and adding vodka freshens the scent up and it makes it last for weeks!
Revitalizing Dusty Potpourri: According to Quick and Dirty Tips, another trick of making your scent last longer is to keep it cleaned. I've not personally tried this one, but it's worth a try if you purchase potpourri. In order to clean them, put the potpourri in a plastic bag and seal it. With a fork or a pin make holes in the bottom of the plastic bag. Shake the bag multiple times so that all the dirt falls and only the potpourri is left in the bag. Put it back and let your place be filled with the scent.
Spraying It With Perfume: If your potpourri loses its smell then a little spraying of your perfume will do the trick and make the scent last for weeks.
Essential Oil Diffusers:
Not a fan of DIYs? It's okay, you can use a diffuser to make your room smell good on a mid spring day.
- Fill the diffuser with water.
- Pour a few drops of essential oil in it and turn it now.
The diffuser creates mist containing essential oil that travels your whole house.
Air Purifying Plants:
Plants are not only used as a piece of decoration but also as natural air purifiers. They absorb all the odor. Some of the best and most used plants include orchids, lilies and palm trees.
Final Verdict
There are very simple ways to make your home smell great this spring without a lot of hassle. Let me know which are your favorites in the comments below and stop by my Instagram page to enter my give away for your choice of candle from the Colonial Candle Pop of Color collection.