How to Find The Most Inspiring Social Media Accounts While Weeding Out The Ones Who Don't Care

How to Find The Most Inspiring Social Media Accounts While Weeding Out The Ones Who Don't Care

Pinterest boards and Instagram feeds are filled with ideas for decorating our homes, but they're not a replacement for who we are in our own decor.

It's so easy to get lost in what others have and what they like. It can lead to depression, discontentment, and even irritability.

Don't let it do that to you.

I remember when I first started Instagram. I had no flipping idea what I was doing. There were tons of people who had larger accounts and many of them were just self centered and mean.

Likes for likes and follows for follows were abundant. It didn't seem so bad at first. You're there to participate in a community, right? Wrong. Those same followers would unfollow shortly after following because they were only following you to get your follow. Once you followed, they'd unfollow you in about a week or two.

Truly inspiring right?

Then there were the few accounts who were genuinely helpful. There were people who maybe couldn't give a formula for Instagram success (because let's face it, there's no one formula that works for every single person), but they were kind enough to have a conversation, comment genuinely on posts, and share products they liked on their own accounts.

Inspiration comes in so many different forms.

We can see something pretty and wish we had it. We can think, "I have kids. My home will never look like that."

We can even get in our own bag about comparing what we can or cannot afford that others may be able to.

Guess what! We've all been there.

I'm going to share with you some of the best people on Instagram. All of these ladies have pretty sizeable accounts, but the reason I'm sharing them is because they're genuinely sweet, they provide loads of beautiful inspo, and they're real people who care about their followers.

Not to mention, while these ladies all have different decor styles, their styles are amazingly true to them. Most will tell you that they're not rolling in dough, and not all of them have huge homes. A majority of them are thrifters, but all of them have their own stories about how even they have fallen into the pit of self doubt.

I hope that sharing them will inspire you to do whatever it is you love in your decor.

Down Shiloh Road

living room view white sofa with red Christmas pillows
Jenn has a modest, rustic style and gives loads of inspiration while keeping it real. I love her vintage finds and her collections alongside the beautiful woods and whites intermingled throughout her decor.

Amy Wilson Designs

Amy Wilson Designs
Amy gives ideas on how to make your home warm, charming, and bright. Every post brings a smile and she has the most beautiful way of celebrating each holiday.

The Curated Farmhouse

Tiered tray decorated with Christmas decor and faux cake on counter in background
Wendy's style combines modern farmhouse with warmth, cheer and great DIYs to keep you inspired. She was one of the first who inspired me, personally. Not to mention, she also has a whole blog filled with tons of inspo.

Toni Marianna

Mantle decor with layered mirrors and Christmas decor
Have you ever met someone who had an energy that made you want to hug them? Toni is that person. Her style combines elements of modern farmhouse with coziness and a ton of elegance.

Farm to Table Creations

Living room with Christmas decor and fireplace
Kelly brings such a joy to Instagram. She stays true to modern farmhouse as she invites you into the warmth of her home. You can feel her kindness and will want to stick around. You can also grab some of Kelly's tablescaping tips here.

Sudanos in the Suburbs

Christmas tree being decorated in foyer
Nicole makes DIYs look amazing and super easy. From stenciling to giving her entire kitchen a new look. She gives tons of inspo in a fun and fabulous way. She even sprinkles in a bit of cuteness with her little boy, Michael. You just have to see.

Sassafras Home

Bedroom view with blue and white bedding and leopard throw pillow
Patrice brings a bit of southern flair to her classy French farmhouse style. She'll pop out color and textures in a minute and she's not afraid to use them. Hop over and I know you'll be inspired by her beautiful home and sweet personality. You'll also want to check out her shop.

Lindy's Blue Rabbit Cottage

Fireplace decorated in Christmas decor with red candles on table and green apples
Lindy's cottage style home just makes you feel the comfort. She has a way of adding pops of color that show us all that you don't have to follow a blueprint. Just be yourself. And did I mention that Lindy is amazing?!

Living With Heart

Dining room decorated in Christmas with lit tree and fireplace
Susan's grandchildren call her 'Heart,' and you'll easily be able to tell why. Not only is her home elegant, charming and gorgeous, but she shares food ideas and all things that make you feel warm and cozy.

Southern Spangled

Piano with chalk board over it and Christmas table in front with faux cake
I warn you that when you visit Becky's profile, you won't want to leave. Her personality is addicting and her warmth and southern charm are very evident in her home. Diy's, tiered tray ideas, and coffee bar styling are only a few ways she inspires us. She can also make a faux cake shine on a table (but you didn't hear that from me). You can also view her shop here.

Summing it Up

It's easy to get caught up in what others have and compare that to what we have. There's a lot of inspo out there, but it's only to give us ideas. The true way to be happy with your home is to make it your own. Connect with accounts that seem genuine and won't see you as just another number. Use the inspo from people who you can connect with through their style but also their personality. Direct message any questions you have if you're unsure where to start. You'll be surprised at how many great people there are who are willing to help encourage you in your journey to decorating in your unique style. If they're not willing to talk to you a bit, you'll know it's time to move on.

5 commentaires

Dawn, thank you so much for including in this list of amazing ladies on IG! You are one of the best and I’m lucky to call you my friend! You constantly blow me away with your “fakery” creations! Hoping 2022 is amazing for you and your beautiful family! 💜

Nicole Sudano

Michelle that’s so true. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year to come.

Dawn Mayo

What a beautiful post. It’s so true, coveting can be spurred on by IG but truly I’ve met some beautiful friends through IG and they are all willing to lend us little guys a helping hand or piece of advice. It’s when you show compassion and care that you receive back double!

Michelle Bibby

Awww Becky Thanks so much. It’s always a pleasure to share you. ❤️

Dawn Mayo

Dawn, I love your heart, your smile, and I can’t say enough about the faux desserts, girl!!!
Thank you very much for including me in your biyg post. I am humbled and honored🤗❤️


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