So it's almost time for 2021 to exit stage left. That means wrapping up those things that we want to leave behind so that we can start 2022 with a new slate.
Bringing in a new year can be exciting for some, but then it can bring anxiety to others. Not knowing what to expect (especially after these last couple of years) has made some feel a bit less encouraged.

I understand.
Sometimes the best way to get through those jumbled up feelings is to take a bit of time to ask yourself a few important questions.
What do you want to be in this new year?
What good things will you usher in?
What bad things will you leave behind in 2021?
What will you improve, and how will you do it?
Take a moment to reflect on the times this year brought.
What did you love?
What did you hate?
What things made you laugh?
What things would you like to do more of?
What do you want to eliminate?
My biggest asset when I feel like anxiety is kicking in is prayer. Now I know that prayer may not be everyone's thing, but it's mine. Some people meditate. Some go outside and connect with nature. Some even go driving. While all of those things are very different and may be a temporary escape for people, prayer keeps me focused and grounded. The less I do it, the more anxiety seems to creep in.
One of the best things I could ever suggest for keeping your thoughts together is journaling. If you think that journaling is a waste of time, you're wrong. It doesn't have to be something that you feel tied to every day, like a diary. A journal can simply be a place where you jot down your thoughts so that you can go back to it and reflect again. Use it for goals. Use it for feelings. Most importantly, use it as a reminder of what you said you were and were not going to do.

Personal Story.
I decided that I would no longer allow people to speak negatively about others to me. So what I did was write down how I felt at the time that I made that decision. Then I made notes of some ways I could kindly stop the conversation without appearing rude.
When a situation came up, I went back to my journal and reminded myself what I said I didn't want to do and then what I could do about it.
It may sound silly, but it works for me.
Through the year you may find that you have to revise a few things. Don't erase, but do amend. By doing this you're creating a record of thoughts, and that brings me to my last thought.
Keep going back to review. You'll be able to look back in your journal to see your own progress and build on it for the next year.
Summing it Up
It's not always easy to think about what the new year will bring. Sometimes it can even bring some anxiety. However, there are a few things that you can do that may help to make transitioning into the new year a bit easier. Reflect, focus, write, revise and review through light journaling is a great way to keep yourself from feeling overwhelmed with what's to come. You may be surprised at how these few small tips can help to make welcoming in a new year just a little less overwhelming.
Have you ever had anxiety about a new year or do you eagerly wait for the old to exit stage left?
Matthew 6:34 is “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Happy New Year, friends!