Ideas To Discover Who You Are In Your Decor

Ideas To Discover Who You Are In Your Decor

Instagram and Pinterest are filled with examples of gorgeous homes and home décor styles. New furniture, beautiful chandeliers, are only a few of the fabulous finds we can stumble across. Then there’s that stunning wallpaper or the amazing hardwood floors. It can almost make you feel as though your own style isn’t good enough.

Ever been there?

My sweet friend, Lisa over at Home Inspiration Lulu has a home décor style that includes a mixture of brightness and elegance, but she also adds bits of whimsical charm to her décor that subtly pops in such a dreamy way. It’s no wonder she inspires so many.

living room with white sofa, silver tray on coffee table and white open shelving

Today I’d like to share with you something that Lisa personally shared with me when I began my Instagram journey.

She told me to use what I love in my décor.

I’m telling you those words changed how I proceeded with Instagram from that moment forward.

So let’s dig in with some questions, answers and ideas that have helped me along the way.

How Do You Know What You Love

I asked myself this because I’d become confused by thinking what I saw in other people’s homes on Instagram was what I loved.

What you love is going to be those things that you’re drawn to. Incorporate them into your décor because they speak directly to you. Don’t make the mistake of tossing the things you love to try to make your home more appealing to Instagram viewers. Your home belongs to you and it should have elements in it that make you happy.

What If Things I Like Don’t Fit

This one was one that puzzled me a lot.

The most important thing to remember is your personal style is about you. Nell Hill’s Design Blog encourages use of personal treasures to encourage bringing out your style. Maybe you were left a few things from a relative, found something that you loved at a thrift store, or you just have something that is dear to your heart. Those are the perfect things you want to showcase in your home that set it apart.

Some things in our homes are just things that we find ourselves going back to again and again. They speak to us. Books are something that absolutely have to have a place in my home. I have walls of bookshelves that are filled with books in what is now my library. These are things that make my home mine, and I can’t imagine having to see those walls without my books.

Library wall of bookshelves filled with books

Move Around What You Already Have

Have you ever moved things from one room to another to get a fresh look? It’s inexpensive and it totally works! Melissa from The Inspired Room says that sometimes she can place something from one room into another and “it leads to a decorating epiphany!”

Another idea is to shop your storage or garage. I’ve found so many things that were forgotten in a box that have added just the right touch to a space.

entryway with white buffet and lamp

Forget the Labels

You should love this one.

Don’t worry about what everyone else likes. Your home is a place where you should feel a sense of contentment. Instagram and Pinterest are great for ideas, but staying true to what you absolutely love is going to keep you grounded.

Beth Hunter from Home Stories A-Z stands by not boxing yourself in with décor labels. While labels like “Contemporary Style,” “Traditional” and “Cottage” are wonderful to help you find what style you’re most drawn to, don’t limit yourself to staying confound within those labels.

The idea is to create a safe haven. Let labels guide you to what you love, not control your instincts.

In A Home Decor Style Nutshell

To sum things up a bit, it's perfectly okay to love someone's home decor and how it works for them. Likewise, it's just as okay to have a completely different decor style that speaks to you. Don't box yourself in. Use Instagram and Pinterest as guides to inspire your own style, but never let it make you feel like what you love isn't good enough.

What will you do now to stay true to your home decor style?

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