How To Easy Banana Muffins

How To Easy Banana Muffins

If you've tried my recipe for not so basic muffin mix, you already know it's easy to just pull it out of the cabinet and whip up some pretty dang good muffins. Today I'm sharing a little variation to that recipe to make banana crumble muffins.

Banana crumble is just a little something my taste buds came up with on a whim, but the result was ah-mazing!

muffins on cutting board with knife and cloth with pink roses in a vase behind

It's so easy to make these that you'll want to use these for a quick breakfast or as a snack.

Once I mixed the dry and wet ingredients together, I mashed up a large banana (about a cup) alongside a half cup of nuts (more if you like your muffins really nutty) and gently folded it into the batter.

You don't want to go whipping or stirring this because you'll end up with a tough muffin.

Next, I filled a cupcake/muffin liner about half way full and sprinkled a little of the crumble on top of that.

crumble topping in bowl sitting on white linen beside a cup of coffee

Then I covered it with a little more batter and topped it again with crumble. No change in the baking process.

Not so hard right?

And they taste so good you're gonna want to keep them all for yourself.

flatlay of pink roses and banana crumble muffins with rosegold knife

Here's the recipe for crumble:

1/3 cup sugar

1/2 tsp cinnamon

3 Tbsp cold butter cut into chunks

1/4 cup flour

Mix all of your dry ingredients together and cut in the cold butter until it's pebbly. 


I use these muffins at least once a week, and my family kills them. Let me know how this recipe worked for you in the comments.

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