A Black Friday Sale You Wont' Want To Miss

Hey, Everyone!

It's officially Black Friday week, holiday shopping time, and we've already started our daily deals for this super busy shopping weekend. 

If you're looking for cool, unique gifts to give, you'll want to stop by this week and through the weekend to take a look at the deals we have on our handmade items, 


We'll also have another giveaway in our shop that starts on Black Friday, and lots of new products and free gifts that you'll want to check out.

Products are limited, so don't sleep on this one. Once our stock is gone, it's completely gone, and I'll tell you, many of these items are really unique to our shop!

Here's a little bit on the sale here.

Black Friday Bakery Candle Sale


Shop the daily deals here, and shop the Black Friday Sale throughout the shop!

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