Pie-si-tively the Most Creative Prop Pies We've Ever Made

Pie-si-tively the Most Creative Prop Pies We've Ever Made

I can't believe it's Friday already. It's  been super busy in our shop as we've been completely engrossed in one of the most creatively demanding, yet fascinating, jobs we've ever been asked to do. We've done a number of our pies as theater props, but the exciting project that we've been working on over the last several weeks has been for a pie shop that's gone theater!

If you're familiar with Adrienne Shelley's movie, "The Waitress," you'll know that the main character, Jenna, was a master at crafting delicious pies for the diner that she worked in. Well, it's all fake baked for the broadway version of this pie show, and let me say that the pies are not all "typical" pie flavors. That's where the creativity has come in.

Some of the pies were pretty straightforward like the one you see here.

Strawberry Pie Fake Theater Prop

We layered the crust on this strawberry pie to give the pie a little more dimension. We've received some pretty nice comments about it since we posted it on Facebook, but we couldn't go completely nuts with these pie crusts. Most of the pies that Jenna made had more traditional crusts, so we had to keep things in line with the theme. 

This pie (below) was just a little different from the more traditional cherry, apple, blueberry pies we do in our shop. This is a Rocky Road pie that required that we form each of the tiny marshmallows by hand. We had more than 200 marshmallows!

Rocky Road Fake Pie Prop


Since many of our pies are more traditional, and these prop pies needed to have a little more depth to be seen from the stage, the Indiana Hoosier pie was probably the pie that we had to "figure out" the most. Honestly, I had never even heard of the Indiana Hoosier pie, but Google being my friend, I found a little bit of history behind it. After seeing a few examples of this flat, simple, custard pie, I thought that the best way to give it depth without taking away from its simple character was to add my own bit of flair...whipped edging. Some things should just be left alone, right?

Fake Pie Prop Indiana Hoosier Pie


If you're interested in seeing "The Waitress" on broadway, you can get information on the preview and tickets by visiting the play website here. Meanwhile, there are still so many pies to get done in such a short time, I have to get moving. What do you think about these fake pies?

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