4 New Farmhouse Scents To Summer-ize Your Home

4 New Farmhouse Scents To Summer-ize Your Home

Farmhouse fence flowers in vases everything dawn bakery candles logo

Hey there ya'll! I know it's been a minute since my last post; but, it's been super crazy trying to get all of our new items out, purging our old, and just plain keeping up with social requirements. 

Recently, on Instagram, I've been sharing some of our newest candles that were completely inspired by the over exaggerated farmhouse experience of Beverly Hillbillies. If you've followed me over there on our Instagram account, you know that I love farmhouse decor (along with some other decor style elements), but you also probably know that the products in our family shop reflect more of a pun on anything serious.

So this product line is no exception. 

When you say the names of these candles, it's only right that you have a southern drawl. You can't just say them. The effect isn't the same. 

Here's what I mean.

By The Winduh

by the winduh scented candle by everything dawn

You can't say by the window. How uncountry cool is that? 

Then there's Blueberry Hills.

blueberry hills scented candle by everything dawn

Okay so you can sort of get by with that one if you don't use the drawl, but it still sounds much better (in my opinion) with it. Try saying heels instead of hills and you'll see what I mean.

Next on the list is Hopeful Chest.


So this one is a bit silly without the drawl since it's a spin on hope chest. But if you make the word chest sound more like "chay-est," you'll find that it sounds much more appealing. You have to say it fast enough to make chay-est sound like only one syllable.

Last on on the list is Warshing Day.

warshing day scented candle with galvanized and wood washing board, greenery and galvanized bucket

Now this one is spelled just like it's supposed to sound. Around my neck of the woods, one in three people use the word "warsh." It was only right to give a bit of tribute.

So there you have it, y'all. If you're looking for some farmhouse, down home charm, hop over here and peek at our new farmhouse candles. They're available only until the end of July.

Oh and a quick disclaimer. I ain't responsible for any of your southern drawls as a result of reading this post!

Have a farmhouse fabulous day!

Before I roll out, I've added a few of our latest posts from our Instagram, just in case you've not come around to hanging out with us over there yet. Please stop by and join us on the gram!


 P.S. - While you're here, stop by and sign up to win a free candle here.

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